CategoriesRental Property

7 Tips Every Rental Property Owner Should Know

rental property owner

Owning rental property can be as exciting as finding a $20 bill in an old coat pocket.

But, like any treasure, it comes with its challenges.

If you’re a rental property owner, navigating the world of tenants, maintenance, and legalities can seem daunting. Don’t worry, though; we’ve got you covered! Read on to discover essential landlord tips every rental property owner should know.

1. Conduct Thorough Tenant Screening

A good tenant can make your life easier, while a bad one can turn it into a nightmare.

By conducting thorough tenant screening, you are taking a proactive step to ensure the quality of your tenants. Verify their employment status, income, and rental history. Check references and run background checks.

Remember, it’s easier to prevent problems than to solve them later. This process lets you control who lives on your property, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Why Screening Matters

Thorough screening saves you time and money in the long run. It ensures that your tenants are reliable and less likely to cause issues. Let’s look at the most critical steps for effective screening.

Verify Employment and Income

A reliable tenant should have a stable job and income. Request proof of employment, such as pay stubs or a letter from their employer. The general rule is that a tenant’s monthly income should be at least three times the rent.

Check Rental History

Contact previous landlords to determine if the potential tenant has any past issues paying rent on time or causing damage to rental properties. This information can give you insight into what kind of tenant they will be.

Run Background Checks

A background check can reveal criminal history, evictions, or other red flags. Before running a background check, get written consent from the potential tenant.

2: Maintain Detailed Records

Maintaining detailed records of all tenant transactions is a security measure for a rental property owner.

Your safety net includes lease agreements, rent payment receipts, repair requests, and other relevant documents. They will be helpful if you ever need to resolve disputes or provide evidence in legal situations, giving you a sense of security and preparedness.

Keeping accurate financial records helps you track your income and expenses, making it easier to prepare for taxes and plan your finances.

3: Prioritize Preventive Maintenance

Regular upkeep is not only extra work. It’s a strategic move to keep your property in top shape, reduce long-term costs, and keep tenants happy.

By prioritizing preventive maintenance, you are taking charge of your property’s condition, instilling confidence in your tenants, and ensuring the longevity of your investment.

Schedule HVAC Inspections

Regular upkeep of your property keeps it in top shape, saves money in the long run, and ensures tenant satisfaction. For instance, scheduling annual inspections for HVAC systems and changing filters can prevent costly breakdowns.

Inspect Plumbing

Inspect plumbing periodically to catch leaks early and avoid water damage. These preventive measures seem like extra work but are essential for maintaining the property’s value.

Check the Roof After Storms

After severe weather, check the roof for leaks or structural issues to prevent bigger problems. These steps help keep tenants happy and comfortable while preserving the integrity of your property.

4: Understand Landlord-Tenant Laws

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Familiarize yourself with local landlord-tenant laws to avoid legal pitfalls. These laws cover everything from security deposits to eviction procedures.

Security Deposits

Know how much you can collect for a security deposit and how to handle it. Most states have laws about returning a tenant’s security deposit after they move out.

Eviction Procedures

Know the proper steps for evicting a tenant in case of non-payment, damage to property, or lease violations. Ensure you follow legal requirements and give your tenants adequate notice before acting.

Tenant Rights

Be aware of your tenant’s rights, such as a habitable living space and privacy. Ensure you fulfill your landlord’s responsibilities to avoid potential legal issues.

5: Establish Clear Communication Channels

Good communication fosters good tenant relations. Give tenants several ways to contact you, such as by phone, email, or a dedicated rental property management platform.

Keeping tenants updated about maintenance schedules helps them know what to expect. Remember to provide immediate emergency contact options so tenants can reach you quickly if something urgent happens.

Asking for tenant feedback lets you improve your services based on their needs and concerns.

6: Protect Your Investment with Insurance

Insurance isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. The right landlord insurance policies shield you from unexpected events like natural disasters, theft, and liability claims.

Landlord Insurance

This covers property damage and liability issues. It protects you from financial losses because of damages or legal claims tenants make.

Flood Insurance

This is crucial if your property is in a flood-prone area. Without it, you might face significant out-of-pocket costs for flood-related damages.

Rental Loss Insurance

This compensates you for lost rental income while repairs are being made. It ensures you still receive income even when your property is uninhabitable.

7: Consider Professional Property Management

Managing a rental property can be time-consuming. Hiring a professional property management company to handle tenant relations, maintenance, and legal compliance is sometimes smart.


It frees up your schedule so you can focus on other things. You won’t have to spend hours dealing with tenant or maintenance problems.

Expertise and Experience

Property management companies have the experience and expertise to handle any issue that may arise efficiently. They also stay updated on laws and regulations, saving you from potential legal problems.

Peace of Mind

It reduces your stress and helps keep tenants happy. When experts manage your property, you can relax and trust that everything is handled, which reduces your stress and keeps tenants happy.

Find Rental Property Owner Management

Staying informed and proactive can make your life easier and more profitable as a rental property owner. From thorough tenant screening to considering professional property management, these real estate tips can help you navigate the complexities of property ownership.

If you’re looking for property investment advice, Reedy & Company in Memphis, Tennessee, has the experience and dedication to make your property management seamless. Contact us today to learn how we can help you manage your rental properties!